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Chay Bowes: Self-proclaimed Freedom Fighter and Journalist Spreading Kremlin Disinformation

The project “Shady Horses“ delves into investigating Russian propaganda dissemination within Western countries through prominent individuals, often referred to as “talking heads.” By analysing the influence and messaging of these figures, the project seeks to shed light on the tactics employed to spread Russian narratives, their impact on public opinion, and their potential connections to foreign organisations.

Chay Bowes, an Irish commentator and “journalist” has recently been “blessed” a new wave of fame, gaining a new audience for speaking “common sense and the truths they don’t want you to know” for the state-funded Russian media RT.

His background includes working as a gun shop owner and a middle manager for a health insurance company before deciding to self-proclaim as a journalist, transitioning into media and commentary. Bowes quickly found his niche, contributing to various pro-Russian platforms, including YouTube channels hosted by George Galloway and Tara Reade, and other Kremlin-spewing narrative figures who speak in the name of “free speech.”.

Bowes has an MA in Strategic Studies, used as his main “weapon” to prove his credibility to discuss all things geopolitics. He, like many other Shady Horses of Russian propaganda, promotes a viewpoint that portrays the West as the enemy, the evil, in Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. During a UN Security Council meeting on June 29, 2023, Bowes told how NATO’s policies are causing the war to escalate and how the West is using Ukraine to weaken Russia’s military, trying to position Ukraine as the victim of Western hegemony and a non sovereign state. This position, which perfectly matches the Kremlin’s requirements for being on their payroll, has made him a useful figure for the Kremlin’s narratives to be spread far and wide among audiences known for supporting conspiracy theories and analysing events from a one-sided perspective that fits their world view. In other words, useful idiots.

If you needed any more proof that he’s working (perhaps not directly) for the Kremlin, the Russian mission to the UN has defended his UN speech, emphasizing his apparent status as a prominent journalist with a military background—what a feat to praise by the Russians… [However, Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya dismissed him as a “Russian stooge,” employing propaganda tactics rather than substantive debate.

Let’s take a look at his rhetoric…

“Day and night in Ukraine, the abductions continue for Zelensky and his meatgrinder.”
“A mass murderer pleading with his handlers for more weapons. In Ukraine, it’s the Dictator Zelensky destroying his own country and people. Zelensky is wiping out an entire generation in Ukraine
“Vladimir Putin gives the Dictator Zelensky a lesson in Ukrainian Constitutional Law. The Constitution of Ukraine provides for the extension of the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, it does not say anything about the powers of the President. Ouch.”
“In Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Zelensky and Biden’s kidnapper Kommissars tear another man from his family for the Meat Grinder. Slava The unelected Dictator Zelensky’s land of Freedom and Democracy. All paid for by you.”
“Stoltenberg. Unelected by the people of Europe. Von der Liar. Unelected by the people of Europe. Zelensky. Unelected by the people of Ukraine. Three people drIving us towards WW3 in the name of “Democracy” and “Freedom” neither of which they adhere to themselves.”
“Zelensky finally admits the devastating casualties Ukraine has suffered and continues to suffer under his Dictatorship. Yet he still rejects Peace with Russia? Once an actor always an actor, as they say.”
“Vladimir Zelensky is now a de facto Dictator, and Ukraine is a de facto EUSA Colony. No elections, No opposition, No dissent, No way back from the grave for an entire Ukrainian generation. A client state utterly dependent on aid. This is the failed reality of the EUSA project”
“Ukraine is eating itself alive for Biden, Zelensky and Von Der Liar.”
“It’s rumoured that Volodymyr Zelensky has told the UK Government that it’s about time that this “Queen Business” was put to bed and that Ukraine was pushed back to the top of the headlines.”
“These two men [Fico and Orban] represent the will of the majority of Europeans who want Peace and an end to escalation in Ukraine That’s why the tiny minority of European pro War elites, who are dragging us towards catastrophe, are telling you these men are your enemies. God preserve them.”
“Russias Peace proposals to NATO is like Garlic to a Vampire. The War machine doesn’t want Peace. Why don’t we ask the people of Europe to vote on whether to accept the Russian proposal to end the War in Ukraine via a referendum in each state?”
“They lied to you over Vietnam, South America, Libya, Syria, and Iraq. They told you they would “win” in Afghanistan and Vietnam? But you think they are suddenly  telling you the truth about Israel and Ukraine? Wake the f*ck up.”

Source HWAG/UCMC.  The article was prepared for publication by volunteers from the Res Publica - The Center for Civil Resistance.


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